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Change is inevitable

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The world is complex, complicated and changing faster than ever before. So what? Get CLEVER and lead your company to win its business battles.

Relentless disruptive innovation, new business models, fast-changing markets, distorted workforce and many more topics are in our daily scope. Exponential speeding up of change, complicated systems, complex environments are the things we need to wrap our heads around and act upon now. Sustainable success is not just a matter of creating huge profit and expand business.

The way to win your business battles is always through your troops. It all depends on how you lead them, allow them to grow and let them contribute to your success. Provide the best environment for your people to flourish. Manage this group of unique individuals, optimize the systems that enable growth and wins. All too many times we have witnessed organizations aiming at change by telling their people what to do and how to do it without even asking them what would work for them, let alone even considering taking the appropriate action to that.

With our CLEVER approach we believe in working on change with all involved. Engaging everybody in dialogue, finding out what they need in their work in order to find ways and means to fulfill those needs within the constraints of the budget. Intrinsic motivators are key when it comes to creating an agile and resilient workforce. And those two characteristics are essential for turning change into sustainable success.

Business battles are won by starting at the end state. We ask questions like: What are the objectives, what is the intent of the leadership and how are those things turned into a winning strategy? Developing a strategy that is not just worthy in boardrooms and theoretical cases but wins on the business battlefield is our specialty. As Special Forces we’ve learned and taught to always adapt, improvise and overcome. Change was our worst foe but we’ve always made it our best ally.

When change is desired, Special Forces in Business will make that happen. We have a provens track record of significant and measurable changes in the behavior and perceptions of people in companies. This ultimately led up to the following facts: We’ve shown savings over 10% in the annual costs of operations. We’ve accomplished optimizing a workforce and improving its production with more than 7%. We’ve had clients gaining gross revenue over 30% on their sales. And if those figures aren’t impressive enough; we’ve had clients receiving a return on investment on our services of more than 260%!

If you want to know more about winning business battles and creating sustainable success with our CLEVER approach, please contact us at 

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Business battles are won with winning strategies executed by an agile and resilient workforce

Op alle aanbiedingen, opdrachten en overeenkomsten van Special Forces in Business B.V. zijn de Algemene Voorwaarden van Special Forces in Business B.V. van toepassing. Een exemplaar wordt u op aanvraag toegestuurd. Special Forces in Business B.V. is sedert 26 februari 2018 ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel. Sinds deze datum neemt deze besloten vennootschap alle activiteiten, overeenkomsten, daaruit vloeiende verplichtingen en alle middelen van Ares Beheer B.V. over die, tot deze datum, behoorden bij de handelsnaam Special Forces in Business welke, tot deze datum, in eigendom van Ares Beheer B.V. was.

Special Forces in Business B.V.

Anthonie Fokkerstraat 63C


KvK: 71002200

ING rek: NL 30 INGB 0006 6630 89